Safety Manual


  1. Technical Process
  2. Utility
  3. Specified Roles & Duties
  4. Regulations & Procedures
  5. Field Equipment
  6. Field Execution Process
  7. Elevated Working Zone
  8. Electrical Facility Zone
  9. Welding, cutting & thermal spray
  10. Radiography
  11. Confined Spaces Pre-cautions & Safety Measures
  1. Technical Process

Safety is the most important success factor in any type of operation. The achievement of a well project customized safety program ensures the rating of organization standards & career professionalism.

In line with this view, this safety manual is a helping guide to accompany the operation process from its commencement till achievement of its milestone.

The guide highlights general features required to prevent accident in all measures that may cause injury, damages and other hazards that may be witnessed at any field.

Safety manual is recognized as a legal regulation and commitment towards governmental municipal laws and references.

  1. Utility
  •  Committee

A safety committee is organized to carry out safety programs, issue instructions and monitor 

Safety rules implementations.

  •  Meeting

Safety meeting covers the operational activity with respect to safety procedures and regulations. It is held by the safety committee after every safety patrol on weekly basis and lead by the Safety Manager.

  1. Safety Patrol

Safety Patrol is conducted at every start of the week to check if any violations have been

recorded. It is held by the safety committee. Particular attention shall be paid to disclosing

hazards or critical working conditions due to a lack of awareness by inexperienced workers.


  1. Specified Roles & Duties


Role & Duty

Client Safety Representative

To co-operate with the contractor safety committee to carry out the work safely during the construction period. The responsibility of the Client’s safety representative is to observe obedience of all subcontractors to the safety manual.

Contractor’s Project Manager

The project manager shall be responsible for safety, including fire prevention, during the construction period & organize and preside over the safety committee to ensure that the works executed safely by all personnel.

Project Superintendent

The project superintendent shall assist the project manager and direct the field supervisors for safety. The construction superintendent shall preside over the safety committee in the absence of the project manager.

Safety Engineer

The safety engineer shall assist the project manager and conduct the safety programs under its direction. The safety engineer shall check each work plan or procedure for safety before the commencement of work. 

The safety engineer shall patrol the work site daily and investigate all unsafe work conditions. When unsafe work conditions or any violations are detected, the safety engineer shall be advised or direct the supervisor to correct them

Safety Field Supervisor

The safety field supervisors shall check and confirm the work procedure regarding safety before the commencement of work. 

In the presence of violations or unsafe work conditions are detected, the safety field supervisor shall immediately advise or instruct the subcontractor’s supervisor or the workers to correct them. Work shall be stopped until violations or unsafe working conditions are corrected.

In cases involving hazards of a fire, explosion, etc., the field supervisors shall direct the work throughout its performance.

Safety Foreman

The safety foremen is the direct instructor to workers regarding the work procedures, including safety procedures, at any time or anywhere, as necessary.

 Safety foremen check for any violations of safety procedures or unsafe work conditions. In presence of any, safety foremen must stop the work immediately and take the necessary action to correct them. Safety foremen preside over a daily tool-box meeting for about five minutes regarding the work procedures to be carried out.

Project Superintendent

The project superintendents is a members of the safety committee and is responsible to assure that the work is carried out safely in accordance to safety manual and safety rules and procedures.

Project Safety Engineer

The project safety engineer is assigned by the project superintendents to assist the project superintendent and carry out the safety programs under its supervision. Project safety engineer shall patrol the jobsite under his charge, and advise workers to correct unsafe work conditions or damaged apparatus.

Project Supervisor

The project supervisor is responsible to supervise the work concerning safety by keeping close contact with Project field supervisors & instruct and advise the workers directly and check the work procedures, including safety procedures.



  1. Fire Wall

A fire wall shall be constructed between the existing plant and the construction area, where necessary.

  1. Automatic Gas Detector.

Automatic gas detectors with buzzers which emit a warning when they detect flammable gas shall be installed where necessary. The number of detectors and height of installation shall be determined by project safety engineer. When the buzzer emits the warning, work at the jobsite must be stopped, and construction equipment shall be turned off until project safety engineer confirm the area to be safe.

  1. Fire extinguisher

Fire extinguisher shall be provided where the use of fire is permitted, such as in buildings, offices smoking areas, and hot work areas. At least one fire extinguisher shall be placed at each of those areas.

  1. Accidents
  2. Injuries

On site, first-aid facilities must be provided meeting the requirements of the local laws & regulations for all persons engaged in the construction work. In the event of critically injury, it should be reported to be taken to the designated hospital immediately after emergency medical treatment.

  1. Fire

In case of fire, the discoverer shall immediately notify the Client’s fire department and contractor’s office on any telephone. Persons working adjacent to the site of the fire shall immediately try to put out the fire with the extinguishers if the fire is small.

In case of fire in the existing plant, all construction work at the jobsite shall be stopped, and all construction equipment and electrical switches shall be turned off. All personnel shall evacuate immediately.

  1. Accident Follow-Up

Following to the accident event, the safety engineer shall write an accident report for all accidents involving personnel regardless of the severity of the accidents and submit it to project manager. 

Accident statics will be compiled monthly. All accidents shall be investigated immediately by the safety committee to clarify the cause and take corrective measures against recurrence of similar accidents. 

  1. Excavating

An excavation permit shall be obtained for any excavations to be made adjacent to the existing plant before commencing the work to avoid damage to underground power lines and piping.

The contractor shall submit the application to the safety engineer, giving all information required. The name of the person responsible shall be displayed at the excavation area.


  1. Warning signs

Warning signs such as rope painted yellow and black shall be placed where underground power lines and piping exist.

  1. Field Equipment
  1. Clothing

All workers shall wear suitable working cloths. Every worker shall wear a safety hat on the jobsite. Personal protective equipment or devices shall be furnished as required, and their use shall be enforced.

  1. Sight & Face Protection

Workers engaged in gas welding, cutting and brazing shall be required to wear goggles or face masks when necessary to protect themselves from injuries. 

Workers engaged in electric welding, cutting, thermal spray galvanizing, sand and/or grit blasting, or other similar operations shall be required to wear helmets or shields with filters of appropriate shade and gloves when necessary. Workers engaged in grinding or similar work shall be required to wear goggles with safety filters for sight protection or face masks giving equal protection.

  1. Safety Belt

Workers in hoppers, bins, or confined spaces or on steep slopes, swinging scaffolds, structural steel, or unstable work at an elevation 2 meters or more above the ground shall be secured by safety belts and independent life lines. 

  1. Field execution Process
  2. Elevated Working Zone
  3. Scaffolding

Scaffolds, ramps, ladders and platforms shall be provided for all work to be done 2 meters or more above the ground.

Erection, replacing, dismantling of scaffolds, ramps, and platforms shall be directed by the Contractor or the subcontractor’s field supervisors. 

Un authorized persons shall be prohibited from entering the construction area scaffoldings, ramps, and platforms. Safety ropes and caution signs such as: NO ENTRY & DANGER OVERHEAD shall be displayed during construction.

Scaffolds, ramps, and platforms shall be kept free from grease, mud, or any other materials or equipment.

The maximum allowable load and name of person responsible for scaffolds, ramps and platforms shall be displayed.

Wooden materials used for construction of scaffolds, ramps, platforms, and runways shall be of good quality. Synthetic or natural fiber ropes of other similar flexible materials shall not be used as guard rails.

Safety nets shall be provided where scaffolds are unfeasible or unavailable, such as when assembling pipe rack, stack, and structure. In such cases, the workers shall always use safety belts.

All openings and ends of platforms located 2 meters or more above the ground shall be barricaded covered.

All scaffolds, ramps, and platforms shall be inspected regularly every month, and any damaged or un safe portions shall be repaired or replaced. Work at high elevations without a safety belt and Safety net shall be prohibited. 

  1. Safety Net

Safety nets shall be suspended by chains or links with books at least at the four corners. They Shall be lapped one meter at the edges instead of being butt jointed.

Safety nets shall be inspected daily for damage caused by abrasion, chemicals, or heat. Any damaged portions shall be mended. Debris shall be removed from safety nets at least daily, and

combustible materials removed before welding, cutting, or doing other work which emits sparks, slag, or other ignition sources. 

  1. Ramps & Ladders

Ramps and ladders shall be provided to secure safe passage for workers required to work height or depth of more than 1.5 meters.

As a rule, the slope of ramps shall be limited to 30 degrees. For slopes of more than 30 degrees, rungs and guard rails shall be provided. The rungs shall be spaced 30 centimeters apart and nailed firmly. One platform shall be provided for every 7 meters in height. 

All ladders, ramps, runways, and the surrounding areas shall be free of materials, machines, and obstructions at all times. 

  1. Material Handling 

Materials, waste, and tools shall not be thrown from upper levels to lower levels or to the ground. When lowering or moving materials on the ground, suitable devices, such as a chute, bag, container with a rope, or a device tied securely with rope, shall be used.

During the work, the foremen shall carefully keep watch, provide NO ENTRY and DANGER OVERHEAD signs, and rope off the related work area for safety.

Excess materials shall not be placed on the work floor or runway. Materials, tools, and equipment which may be displaced or fall shall be secured adequately. 

  1. Electrical Facility Zone
  1. Process

All electrical work shall be performed by qualified and experienced workers. Equipment shall be locked or secured to prevent starting by unauthorized persons. 

Live parts of apparatus and wiring shall be effectively guarded to protect all workers or objects from coming in to contact. 

All equipment and wiring shall be checked daily by the operator before starting work. All electrical circuits shall be grounded. 

Warning signs or posters, such as DANGER, NO ENTRY, shall be displayed at dangerous places, such as substations, switch boxes, and overhead or underground cables.

  1. Transformer Bank 

Transformer banks or high voltage equipment shall be barricaded with a fence. The entrance shall be locked.

For transformer banks, warning signs DANGER, NO ENTRY and NO WATER SPRAYING shall be posted. Posters shall show the name of the supervisor or maintenance engineer. Primary and secondary voltage and capacity also be displayed.

  1. Circuit Breakers

Circuit breakers shall be provided for all electrical equipment, such as conveyors, winches, pumps, grinders, and similar equipment, to prevent workers from being injured by electric shock. Automatic leakage breakers installed in switch boxes are preferable.

  1. Switch Box

Temporary switch boxes shall be constructed of metal with a water proof roof and door which can be locked. 

Switch boxes shall be installed adjacent to the work area at height of 80 centimeters or more from the ground or working floor.

An ample number of switch boxes shall be provided with adequate capacity. Switches and fuses shall be of proper capacity for the circuit protected. Overloading beyond the rated capacity shall be prohibited.

The name of the person responsible for inspection and maintenance of the switch box shall be marked on every switch box. Name or number of equipment to be served by each switch shall be tagged on the switch.

Switch boxes shall be grounded with vinyl-insulated copper wire.

Using copper or steel wire instead of a fuse shall strictly be prohibited. Multiple connection of cables from one switch shall be prohibited. 

When inspecting or repairing, switches shall be cut out and the switch box locked. 

  1. Welding Machine

Before welding machines are used, insulation’s shall be tested and certified to be in safe operating

condition. Automatic anti-electric shock devices shall be provided for all welding machines and

tested every day before work is started.

All exposed terminals shall be covered safely with insulation tape.

A tag printed with the name of the responsible person and company providing the welding machine

shall be attached to the machine.

Welding machines shall be installed 30 centimeters or more away from the switch box.

  1. Movable Wiring

Wiring shall be cab-type cable having a dielectric strength of not less than the rated voltage of 600

volts. Cable having ample capacity to the load shall be used.

Cable with any external damage shall not be used.

All cables shall be installed away from any steel materials, such as wire rope, steel-frame scaffold, etc.

  1. Grounding

To prevent short circuits or electric shocks, special precautions, wiring work where metal scaffolds or steel structures are erected. Grounding shall be insured by connecting the wire to an earth rod buried firmly in the ground. Brass or steel bolts and nuts shall be used for grounding terminals of all electrical equipment. 

  1. Welding, Cutting & Thermal Spray
  1. Process

All spraying, welding, and cutting apparatus shall be inspected daily. Defective apparatus and equipment shall be replaced or repaired.

Combustible materials, equipment such as gas cylinders, rubber hoses, and debris shall be removed or shielded from heat, sparks, and slag from welding and cutting. 

Spraying, welding, or cutting work at elevated places shall be conducted only under safe conditions. 

A safety belt shall be worn.

Spraying, welding, or cutting in an area where flammable vapor may be present shall be carried out carefully after, under the supervision of the Contractor’s safety engineer, confirming with a gas detector that the area is safe.

When spraying, welding, or cutting in confined areas for a long time, the space shall be well ventilated. During the work, the concentration of oxygen in the air must be greater than 18%.

When working in a confined area, the workers should at least be paired to avoid accidents. 

  1. Welding

Welding machine shall be placed 15 cms above the ground to keep them dry.

Welding machines shall be placed level and secured with a suitable wedge to keep them in a horizontal position.

All electric welding machines shall be effectively grounded. The ground lead for the welding machines shall be mechanically strong and electrically adequate for the service required.

Approved connectors shall be used to connect the welding cable between the welding machine and electrode holder.

Only electrode holders that have passed the inspection shall be used.

Whenever welding work is suspended or the welder leaves the construction area, the switch shall be turned off and the welding rod disconnected from the holder. 

  1. Gas Work

Cylinders shall be stored in well ventilated location and shielded from direct sunlight with steel plates or incombustible canvas. 

It is preferred to have the cylinders in service secured in portable racks or hand carts.

Cylinders transported by crane, hoist, or derrick shall be loaded on cradles, nets, or skid pans, but never in slings or chains or by magnets. 

Cylinder caps shall be in place when cylinders are in storage, in transit, and whenever the regulator is not in place. 

Acetylene cylinders shall be in an upright position during used and secured to prevent displacement. 

Oxygen cylinders and fittings shall be kept away from oil or grease and not handled by oily hands or groves.

All cylinders shall be tagged FUL or EMPTY, and empty cylinders shall be returned immediately to the storage area.

All connections between hoses, hose and torch, and hose and regulator shall be tightened rigidly with hose bands.

Pressure gauges with cracked glass or damaged regulators shall be renewed. 

Before starting work, a leakage test shall be made at all connections with a soapy solution. 

The torch valve shall be closed, and the gas supply shall be shut off whenever work is suspended.

When work is completed, the cylinder’s block valve shall be closed, and regulators and hoses shall be removed and put in the tools box.

  1. Radiography
  1. Process

Planning and procedures for radiography initially shall be formulated by the subcontractors and submitted to the Contractor. Then, all procedures shall be thoroughly discussed by all related persons for familiarization.

All radiation equipment and radioactive materials shall be stored, handled, transported, or disposed of so that no person receives an unnecessary dose or radiation.

Monthly inspections shall be made or radiation apparatus and the results shall be recorded and filed for the required period. Shield ability of the radioactive material container shall be inspected every six months.

 Warning signs and posters used internationally shall be displayed.

  1. Supervisor

Radiography shall be performed under the direction of the radiography supervisor responsible for this work. A supervisor shall be appointed at every radiation area. 

  1. Workers

All workers should have extensive knowledge of the work, such as radiation procedure, operation of radiation apparatus and the effects of radiation on the body.

  1. Restricted Zone

The following spaces or areas shall be classified as restricted areas:

  1. Storage place of radioactive materials.
  2. Any area where radiation exists at levels such that large portion of the body could Receive a dose in excess of 30 milligrams per week.
  3. Emergency storage area for radiation apparatus or radioactive material capsules.

Warning signs, labels, and safety ropes or a fence shall be provided for restricted areas to prevent trespassing.

  1. Radiation Zone

The area covered within a radius of 5 meters from the radiation working spot or location and subject to a dose of radiation in any one hour in excess of 50 milligrams shall be called the radiation area. Trespassing in this area shall be strictly prohibited. Warning signs, labels, and safety ropes or a fence shall be provided to prevent trespassing.

  1. Radiation

Posters showing the rated power output, that radiation is taking place, no entry allowed, and the danger shall be displayed where radiation work is being carried out. Before starting the radiological

work, the restricted area shall be checked to confirm that no unauthorized persons area in the area and reconfirmed during the radiation work.

Radiation apparatus shall be operated by a supervisor or an assistant authorized by a supervisor.

All workers entering a restricted area shall wear film badges sensitive to radiation.

All workers who could receive a dose of radiation in excess of 100 milligrams per day shall wear a pocket dosimeter, and the dose of radiation received shall be recorded every day. For work using the pocket dosimeter, the dose of radiation shall be checked by the supervisor for each radiation exposure. When the dose of radiation exceeds 100 milligrams, a supervisor shall stand by or suitable alternatives, such as shortening the radiation time, reinforcing the shield plate, etc.. Shall be arranged.

  •  When a radioactive material is in an abnormal state due to mechanical fault in the radiation apparatus, the position of the radioactive materials shall be checked with meter and the position shall be shielded by a lead plate to prevent radiation from dispersing.
  • When a capsule or holder of radioactive material is dropped, the area shall be designed a restricted zone, and this zone shall be examined by a meter.
  • When radioactive material is scattered from a broken capsule, the contaminated area shall immediately be declared a restricted zone.
  • All workers shall be evacuated immediately from an area where hazardous radiation is forecast. 


  1. Confined Spaces Pre-cautions & Safety Measures


The item Confined space is widely used both in the Construction Industry and the Sewerage and Water Utilities, and include such places as, deep excavations, N.D.R.C. Pits, underground chambers and tanks, sludge holding tanks, wet and dry wells, sewers etc., main risks being lack of oxygen, toxic and/or flammable gases, fumes and vapors.

In order to ensure that these risks are either eliminated or controlled for all Confined Space Entries, as following procedure has been developed which categorizes the entries into three categories, namely, Category “A”, “B” and “C”, and although each category has its own unique procedure, the following requirements are standard for all entries :-

  1. Training

Only those employees, who have attended and successfully completed a recognized Certificate Confined Space Training Course, will be allowed to either enter or work in areas designed as Confined Spaces.

  1. Medicals / Inoculations

All employees required to work in confined spaces should be offered a course of inoculations involving Hepatitis “A” and “B”, Tetanus and Polio, and those required to wear full B.A. Equipment for either work or rescue purposes (e.g. Divers), will be required to undergo an annual medical.

  1. Hygiene

All employees must exercise a high standard of hygiene, and ensure that they wear the appropriate protective clothing/equipment, and wash their hands thoroughly in warm soapy water prior to eating, smoking or visiting the toilet.

  1. Protective clothing Requirement

P.V.C. type gloves/gauntlets, either one piece PVC suit or boiler suit, safety helmet, safety footwear. (Eye/ear protection as necessary)

  1. Equipment Check

Check all safety and recovery equipment to ensure that it is in good working order. (Report any defects noted to your first line Manager)

  1. Communication Check

Locate and check the availability of the nearest point of communication, radio or telephone and ensure that it is working correctly.

Note: Under no circumstances will internal combustion engine power unit, paraffin/LPG. Heaters etc. are taken into a confined space and if used outside, the exhaust must be at least 5 mtrs. away, and downwind from any access or ventilation point.

  1. Pre-entry Procedures

a) Where appropriate, isolate plant and/or equipment, switch on extractor fan or ventilate as necessary. 

b) No smoking or naked flames are permitted in the vicinity of the confined space work area or access point. 

c) Where appropriate, check condition of ladders, stairways or step irons. If it is suspected the condition is such that it would be unsafe to gain access, entry is not to be carried out and the defect reported to your immediate first line Manager.

d) Check for unusual smells or conditions. If in doubt, do not enter but report condition to your immediate first line Manager. 

e) Ensure that Gas Monitor is switched on, and for Category “A” and “B” entries, lower the detector into the confined space to a point where it will be at the respiratory level. Leave for a minimum of 5 minutes, retrieve monitor, and if no alarm or fault indicated, entry may be made. 

f) For Category “C” entries, ensure that the gas monitor is switched on and worn close to the respiratory level.

Note: If the gas monitor alarms, due to either a gas problem or a malfunction, they entry will NOT be permitted without full B.A. being worn. (See section on additional requirements for entry into gaseous areas) 



Defined generally as a space deeper that 5 meters which has a difficult access/egress or entry persons are working out of direct contact with top person, e.g.

  1. Wet and/or dry Wet wells.
  2. Screw Pump discharge bays.
  3. Pumping Stations Inlet chambers (wet).
  4. Valve Chambers (wet)
  5. Sludge Holding Tanks
  6. Stoppard off Trunk Sewers. (See additional requirements)
  7. Live Trunk Sewers and Gas contaminated areas (See additional requirements) 

Equipment Required

  1. Gas monitor capable of detecting both high and low oxygen, methane gas and hydrogen Sulfide.
  2. Man Winch, Tripod and/or Davit.
  3. Full body harnesses and life lines.
  4. Escape B.A. sets.
  5. E.X. Rated electrical equipment where appropriate.
  6. First Aid Kit
  7. Appropriate Protective Clothing/Equipment. 


3 persons minimum, 1 top man 1 helper, requisite number of entry person (s) 

Entry Procedure

 a) The entry procedure will be controlled by the top person who will remain in contact with entry person (s) at all times.

 b) Immediately prior to entry, gas monitor to be lowered on a line into the confined space and space monitored for 5 minutes prior to entry.

c) Each entry person will wear a full body harness, escape or full B.A. set as appropriate. Gas monitor to be worn close to the respiratory level and a regular visual check kept on the monitor.

 d) Each entry person will attach their harnesses to the winch hook, davit or life line before descending through the access point.

e) Where the entry person works out of sight of the top person, additional personnel will be committed into that space in order that both oral and visual contact between top and entry person(s) can be maintained at all times. Or audio telecommunication system used.

 f) Each person using gas monitor will keep a frequent visual check on the monitor.

  1. Exit Procedure

 a) Entry person(s) will indicate to top person of the intention to vacate the space and will ascend the ladder or stairway in the normal manner taking care not to allow any slack on, where applicable, winch rope or life line.

 b) When all entry persons have withdrawn and all equipment removed, manhole covers, barriers, chains etc. must be replaced. 

  1. Gas Monitor Alarm

 a) All entry persons t immediately don their escape sets and evacuate the confined space in the normal manner.

 b) No attempt much be made to re-enter for any reason unless the atmosphere has been re-checked and a safe result obtained. (If it is essential that entry must be made with gas present, then the procedures as detailed in Additional Requirements under Cat “A” Procedure must be complied with).

  1. Injury to Personnel

 a) In the event of one of the entry persons being injured and unable to evacuate the confirmed space in the normal manner, top person with assistance of others, attempt to rescue the injured person by means of winch, life or davit, apply the appropriate first aid treatment and call Ambulance by dialing 998 or take to hospital as appropriate. 

  1. Additional Requirement

 5.1 Entry into Stoppered off truck Sewers

 As for Category “A: procedure with the following additional requirements:-

 a) Where applicable, a Permit to Work issued and signed by the appropriate operating Company confirming correct and safe isolation will be required.

 b) A standby rescue team of two men fully trained and complete with full B.A. sets to be standing by at entry point for the full duration of the entry.

 c) As many manholes as practicable, both upstream and downstream to be removed to assist in improving ventilation.

 5.2 Entry into Live Sewers & Gas Contaminated Areas

 Should it be necessary to enter Live Trunk Sewers or Gas Contaminated areas for any reason, all the requirements of both the Category “A” procedure and that for entering stoppered off trunk sewers will apply with the following additional requirements:-

 a) All persons entering and working in live Trunk Sewers and Gas Contaminated areas will be required to wear Full B.A. sets or approved Diving Equipment at all times.

 b) All B/A wearers to be fully trained have been medically examined, and approved by the employing Company in writing.





 Defined generally as a space less than 5 meters deep having a straight forward access/egress and the entry person is within easy reach of ladder, stairway or step irons, and the top person has both visual and oral contact with entry person (s) at all times, e.g.:- 

  1. a) Wet wells (dry)
  2. b) Manholes/chambers.
  3. c) Dry pumping Stations inlet sections.
  4. d) Storm Water overflow chambers and tunnel

 Equipment Required

a) Gas monitor capable of detecting both high and low oxygen, methane gas and hydrogen sulfide.

b) Escape B.A. sets.

c) Harnesses and life lines.

d) X. rated electrical equipment where applicable.

e) First Aid Kit

f) Appropriate Protective Clothing/Equipment.


 2 persons minimum, 1 top man, requisite number of entry person (s)

  1. Entry Procedure

 a) The entry procedure will be controlled by the top person who will remain in contact with entry person (s) at all times.

 b) Immediately prior to entry, gas monitor to be lowered on a line into the confined space and space monitored for 5 minutes prior to entry.

 c) Each entry person will wear a full body harness and life line. Gas monitor to be worn close to the respiratory level and a regular visual check kept on the monitor. 

  1. Exit Procedure

As for Category “A” Procedure. 

  1. Gas Monitor Alarm

a) All persons to immediately evacuate confined space in the normal manner and no attempt must be made to re-enter for any reason unless the atmosphere has been re-checked and a safe result obtained. (If it is essential that entry must be made with gas present, then the procedures as detailed in Additional Requirements under Cat “A” Procedure must be complied with).

  1. Injury to Personnel

As for Category “A” Procedure.

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